Fermentation in the times of lockdown
The world around us has slowed down. With the outbreak of COVID-19, we are in lockdown mode and since most of us seem to be engaging in hobbies, working from home and self-care, it becomes imperative to consider this event as a wake-up-call in many aspects, especially how we perceive our wellbeing.
From the perspective of running a fermentation-based business it gives us a reason to assert our values and purpose once again to the community we are serving and double our efforts in areas of education-awareness and adoption of fermentation practice.
We spoke our heart out once before in this post about importance of fermentation in shaping the future of food. Once again it is time to ascertain that we are on track to make fermented foods the most sustainable food choices in times of distress or comfort.
Harnessing the power of microbes to feed you and your family has never been easier, especially when the focus is to keep the family healthy. Preserving food by the method of fermentation does not only makes food nutrition-dense but also keeps our gut-flora diverse - the house of our immune system.
Here is a compilation of fermentation-based activities you and your family can undertake during your this time together
1. Preserve the produce - Have stockpiled perishable produce including greens and herbs? Crush them lightly, add salt and stuff them in small glass jars, clean out those empty jam jars you’ve been hoarding. Lactic-acid based fermentation is one of the simplest yet most versatile form of fermentation one can do with minimal ingredients, tools and resources. All you need is a vegetable to ferment - onions, carrots, cucumbers, radish, gooseberry, green chillies, celery, beets, cauliflower, tomatoes etc, some salt and a glass jar. Get creative and make fermented salsa? Make it a family affair and ferment a big batch of Sauerkraut that will be ready in the next 3 days, or a quick-prepare beet kvass
2. Brew the booch - Always wanted to make your own kombucha? Find a friend who can share scoby with you or Bangalore peeps can get our Original Booch (plain kombucha) here
3. Teach adults and kids how to ferment - its safe, involves no fire and they will learn a life-skill
4.Read books on fermentation and gut health - we recommend 'GUT' by Gulia Enders for beginners. What a revelation
5.Watch Sandor Katz YouTube videos on fermentation, they are therapeutic
Fermented foods are a powerhouse of nutrients, they are self-preserving - can survive for an extended duration of time with or without refrigeration, minimal ingredients and tools required. Cuts food waste, no fuel required. You can use fermented vegetables in many ways, including cooking with them.
If you have a newfound love for fermented foods, now is the time to experiment!